7 New Ideas About SUCCESS

Success is a word I hear so frequently, yet I find that rarely do people actually deeply understand what it means to them. How often do you say the infamous word, and do you know what it means? I wanted to share 7 different, tweet-styled ideas about success to get you thinking.



Tying you’re self worth and success to grades, job titles, follower number, bank balance, weekend plans, relationship status, and more, will lead you to misery.

You will only achieve true success when you start to detach your self worth to the outside world and start tying it to yourself.


If you believe that when you achieve ‘success’ you’ll get rid of your insecurities, have no self-doubt, be focused all day, you’ll quickly realise that all ‘successful’ people are in the same position as you.

Achieving ‘success’ doesn’t make all your problems disappear.


Success is not a magical destination in some far away land. It’s not an amount of money or number of followers.

If you believe success is always in front of you, then you need to change your perspective.

You’re already everything you need to be. You just need to realise it.


You’ll find success when you learn to resist your evolutionary urges, for instant gratification, self-focused goals, and constant praise.

And instead play long term games, strive for meaningful goals bigger than yourself and learn to embrace struggle.


It’s funny that others label people as ‘successful’ after they’ve achieved money, status, power and become the top of their game. You’d be surprised how often they don’t feel successful themselves. Because, success isn’t tied to objects and ideas in the outside world.

Instead of worrying about the amount of success we desire or have, we should just start living. Worrying about whether you’re successful will be a painful existence and result in the opposite of success.


If you believe that those individuals who have achieved society’s definition of stardom and success, are better friends, act with more integrity, don’t make mistakes - you’re crazy.

Having money, followers, power and achievements doesn’t make you a fundamentally better human.


If true success consists a clear conscience, reciprocal gratitude, absence of envy, good appetite, muscle strength, physical energy, frequent laughs, no meals alone, no gym class, some hobbies, good bowel movements, no meeting rooms, and periodic surprises, then it is largely subtractive.

Therefore the answer in how to achieve success is not by obtaining more but by elimination.


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